
Emotional intelligence is a way of recognizing, understand and choose how we think, feel and act. It affects our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves. It defines how and what we learn; it allows us to enable to set priorities; it determines most of our most of our daily actions.
Schools are key to promoting the mental health and well-being of young people. Children and young people spend a significant amount of time in school during a critical period of developing their personality and social-emotional skills.
The health crisis caused by the coronavirus has disrupted the lives of millions of people around the world, creating challenges in all areas.
Education is one of the areas that is suffering the most severe consequences: schools closed, transition from face-to-face to digital education, and uncertainty around the normal processes of the education system.
During the pandemic period, children faced new “emotional” challenges without any adequate support from scholar environment because teachers and the entire school system were not prepared for it.


The objective that the project want to achieve are:

  • To design a methodology that brings together the concept of emotional education adapted for primary school needs;
  • To create a training course, for teachers, to allow them the usage of the emotional intelligence during their classes in a practical way;
  • To develop an open online platform to train teachers in the emotional intelligence field;



  • primary school teachers, trainers, educational centers.


  • primary school pupils aged between 6-12 years old.